Sunday, August 17, 2008

Energetics and Morgellons Super Therapies

Healing is an energetic process as well as a physical process. I know from my own personal healing experiences, as well as from witnessing those of my patients, that healing can be complete, spontaneous, or at least expedited when the spirit and soul are guiding the process of body healing.

This weekend I dedicated entirely to kicking out any last remains of this Morgellons disease. I utilized all means that I know, inluding:

  • Lyme disease protocol
  • Clustered silver therapy
  • Energetic use of flower essences and essential oils
  • Pharmacological use of essential oils and herbs

Lyme Disease Protocol I originally learned this from Barton Publishing. Consult your doctor before going ahead with this treatment because high levels of salt can be bad for some small segments of the population, including those with salt sensitive high blood pressure, or with kidney disease.

This protocol consists of taking 1000mg of salt (I absolutely recommend tablets and not loose salt) and 1000mg vitamin C with 8 oz. water every hour for 12 hours a day, and for 3 days in a row. It is supposed to kill Lyme and I bet it kills a lot of other things too. The first time I did this was a couple of years ago. I thought I would have a healing crisis as many are described to do, and so I planned the weekend to be alone at home. I did get a lot of gas, but that was it. I felt some mild, but significant sensations, but no great releief from my itching. About two weeks later, I did feel significantly better with itching and also less fatigued.

During the treatment, I felt this mild, not unpleasant "peeling" sensation inside my fascia or nerves. I imagined that the osmotic pressure of fluid changes were opening up all the tight and fibrotic areas of my body where nerves meet sheaths, and sheaths meet fascia, etc. So I decided to do the Lyme treatment again this time and combine it with the silver therapy in order to open up my tissue spaces to receive more silver throught my cells.

Clustered Silver Therapy Hearing of a woman's total cure from Morgellons over the internet, I purchased "Oxysilver" brand clustered silver. Apparantly it is a superior silver product because the particles are finer than most of the other products. I took one tablespoon on Saturday and on Sunday morning. I understand if there is a healing crisis (purging of matter from the skin), this occurs in the afternoon of the day it is taken. Indeed, about 5 hours later, I got some pretty intense itching on my thigh. I rubbed the seabuckthorn oil and cocunut oil into my thigh and out came about 5 fibers. Today is Sunday night, and that is the last time I have seen any fibers, and I am feeling pretty durn good. I have not had any of the lesions (mine are like teeny cuts on my wrists and hands) either.

Energetic Use of Flower Essence and Essenitial Oils I cannot overstate the importance of the energy healing. This is not just "woo woo," "feel good" stuff. This is where you clean up and heal your energy matrix. You can think of your energy as a garden lattice that has a certain size and shape just like lattices do. If your lattice is shaped for a harmonious body function, so it will be. If your lattice is weak and missing rungs, or already strung up with a bunch of crap on it, how can the body take shape upon it with ease?

I first starting using the flower essences for Morgellons when my friend who is well versed in the Perelandra Microbial Balancing Program gave me three basic formulations to take morning and night. Apparantly the Perelandra microbial balancing regimen is very very time consuming, and I did not go through that whole system. She gave me basic purifying formulations that can be obtained through Perelandra called "Integumentary"(meaning skin), "Lymphatic," and "Immune System." Upon first taking them morning and night, I could feel a tightening up of my spirit energy, as if getting more toned in a good way.

In the meanwhile, I had obtained the oregano oil from Young Living. In order to become a distributor and get wholesale pricing, I bought the intro package including an array of oils to sample. I'm glad that I did. I'll tell you why in a minute.

So this weekend, I decided to get my heart, spirit and soul as lightened as possible. I pulled out my old flower essences, having had an interest in them in the past. I sat down with my array of essences and oils. I put three drops of each essence on my tounge, one at a time, and waited patiently to see what I felt. Distinctly, I could feel certain subtle and not so subtle reactions with each essence. There were a number where I felt absolutely no reaction, as well. (Those I put aside.) Having forgotten their uses, I read the summary of each one after I felt the reactions. I was encouraged how acurate my feelings were to the expected use. For instance, I had "Crab Apple" which is used for feelings of impurity. That was exactly how I felt upon taking it, vile.

What I found was that the flower essences had a homeopathic reaction in me, meaning, when I took it, I felt the negative manifestation of the emotion. For instance, "Cherry Plum" is about fear of losing control, and when I took it, I felt subtle emotions of desperation and fear. The ones that I do not have an imbalance around (for instance "Vine" which I had bought for a cat with aggressive tendencies and "Mimulus" which I had bought for a cat with shy tendencies) I felt nothing upon taking them.

Now upon smelling the opened bottles of the essential oils on the other hand, I felt the positive manifestation of an emotion or feeling. "Peppermint" made me feel really pure and light in my gut. "Frankinsence" opened up the energy in my head and face, and helped me sense my crown chakra better. Some of them, I felt nothing in particular besides noticing the scent, so I put those aside.

So what I ended up doing over the weekend was that several times a day I sat down and went through my bottles. I must emphasize that I put myself in a place of gratitude to the plant spirits which were helping me to come into better harmony with the universal energy from which they came, and to which I hoped to improve my own relationship. I would use three drops of one essence, and then feel the emotion. Then I would reach for an oil essence that seemed to be the positive opposite of that "negative" emotion. So for instance, "Lymphatic" made me feel imbalanced from right to left, in a kind of sharp way. But "Thieves" oil made a real centerline awareness in me that made me think it helps with kundalini spinal energy. "Sage" made me feel like "woe is me," whereas "Valor" oil blend made me feel vigorously alive.

I continued to do this, holding simultaneously the positive and the negative emotion until the negative emotion dissapeared. Each set took only a minute or two. Eventually, I found that less and less of the essences triggered an emotional response. Then I put them aside.

The technique of holding the positive and negative emotion simultaneously is one you can use forever. Even if it seems unattainable now, please try to practice it. Like any new concept (a dance step, a language, or skill), it can feel impossible until you simply just get the hang of it through continued practice. The easiest ones to use are "love" and "compassion" whenever you feel any of the dense emotions of your own or someone elses. This is how you transform the denser energy. It is like shining a light in the dark, or like putting a solvent into the clog. It is alchemy.

Pharmacological Use of Essential Oils and Herbs I will write more on this topic in a later entry. It includes the hand and foot baths, use of oregano oil, and other oral tinctures and supplements.

NOTE In regard to the hand and foot baths with Braggs vinegar, please do not be alarmed by the fibers of the "mother" fermented product in the bath. These are not Morgellons fibers. Know what your own "matter" looks like, and do not be alarmed that the herb stained "mother" is your own extrusions.

Be well, my friends. I add my intention that the harmonious, self regulating spirit of universal life force enter, effortlessly and substantively into your life and body for healing, to all who ask for it.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Topical Help

I've got a lot to share for self help. Today I'm going to talk about the topicals. There are two purposes behind your topical treatments: it can be an agent that kills or supresses pathogens; and it can be an agent that acts as a carrier, bringing curatives deep into the tissues. Some of your topicals do both.

SEABUCKTHORN OIL Anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial. In me, topical use of this stuff pulled the fibers right out by the scores. I only had that occur upon first use because it was so effective. Since then only one or two fibers come out, if any. I mix it with coconut oil, as a carrier. It stains yellow colored, so use under sweats or old clothes at night works best. (See first blog entry for dealer.)

COCONUT OIL/FAT Mildly anti-parasitic, bacterial, viral, etc. Also absorbs deeply, carrying other topicals with it.

COLD PRESSED SESAME SEED OIL Ayurvedically recognized as a carrier, and used in that tradition to go as deep as the marrow! Also is mildly anti-parasitic, etc.

SESAME SEED OIL Mild anti-parasitic, etc.

OLIVE OIL Mild anti parasitic, anti-biotic, etc.

CELADRIN CREAM A carrier cream available from Longs and Walgreens that is intended to carry essential fatty acids deep for tissue and joint health. Can use on your scalp with other curative topicals as a carrier.

OREGANO OIL I had another healing crisis/fiber purge with topical use of Young Living brand oregano oil application to soles of feet and palms with sesame oil as my carrier, then soaking in the hand and foot bath I described in the first entry. I found this product effective, and this particular brand I think is important, because a friend told me that she had a giant plantar wart that was like seven warts grown together. She tried everything under the sun with no help. Then she used this particular type of oil a couple times a week for a couple of weeks. The thing slowly went away over about 8 weeks. She said she believed it died in the first couple of applications, but then her body had to absorb it. I do believe this company imparts a superior energetic and purity in their products. I will talk about essential oils and flower essences later when I speak of your energetic healing.

So far, the cures effective for warts seem to be effective for Morgellons also (apple cider vinegar and this oregano oil).

BURTS BEES COCONUT FOOT CREAM Seems to suffocate mites and fungus. Perhaps the coconut aspect kills them too. I use this product two times a day with a q-tip up my nostrils, and also on my calves at times. I can get "flickery" type of sensations up my nostrils which this controls.

COLD PRESSED CASTOR OIL Make sure you get from a health food store because regular drug stores sell a synthetic version. This is a carrier. It also suffocates mites and fungus. I had really good results with topical use to my scalp at night when I had writhing sensations in my scalp which I thought to be either bacteria or fungus. Use use nightly for about a week. I used it for too long and started bruising a lot. It can cause "apoptosis" or cell bursting if overused.

TAMANU OIL I get mine from Health Concerns, and it is mixed with mint oil. This product immediately helped a scar from a staph infection go away, which I got in the water in Costa Rica. I think it killed the very low grade staph and coinfection that seemed to me to progress to parasites, based on the fact that my first couple of foot baths had a couple of teeny worms in it, and that I felt insanely intense wriggling in the scar during the bath. Prior to this experience I thought the scar was healed and done.

NEEM OIL This was one of my first discoveries when I thought I was only battling mites plus coinfection. I get an organic kind from the hydroponic store called Einstein Oil Leaf Shine. It made a huge difference and relief.

I regularly rotate these topicals so that the parasites do not accomodate to any one. I have mentioned certain ones work best as described for certain purposes too.

Do not do anything that seems to hurt you. You do not want to weaken your tissues or your immune system when healing.

Here are some thing that I found do not work:

SULFER BATH Can give immediate relief that does not last for more than a few days. You cannot do continued use of this product without causing harm to your pH blood levels and to your skin. Morgellons requires constant onslaught of treatment until it's gone, so this is not one you can use like that.

PERMETHRYN/SCABIES/LICE TREATMENT Does not go deep enough and is too toxic for continued use. These products are for surface parasites, not even deep enough for follicle mites. In my first battle with the resistant follicle mites (that took two years or so), I learned to not use treatments on my self or my environment that are toxic to ME. My goal now is to unite my energy field and my bodily field into the harmony of those things that are good and natural to a human's strong and resistant energy field. I wish to do nothing that weakens me, materially or mentally.

SCALDING HOT WATER BATHS Harmful and do not work.


PEPPERMINT OIL BATHS Do not work and will freeze your ass.

TEA TREE OIL I have reservations. If it seems to work for you, go a head and use it.

Okay, my friends. There will be more to come. Step onto the universally present web of interconnected love and wellness, where knowledge is instantly transmitted, and help is abundant.

Love, Cam

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Introduction and Intent of Blog

My name is Camile. I am a Doctor of Chiropractic who specializes in manual work and nutrition to strengthen organ and glandular systems. I have been struggling with mysterious skin ailments off and on for four years. For two of those years, I was basically symptom-free. I have recently experienced a resurgance of symptoms, and this time it is definitely Morgellons disease due to the back fibers exiting my skin.
The purpose of this blog is not so much to talk about myself and my experiences, but to share what I have learned in home therapy because I am nearly symptom-free again, after this two month bout of intensive home treatment.
I have a special insight into home treatments, because I have been educated as a healthcare practitioner (what with all the physiology, microbiology, chemistry, and nutrition I took in chiropractic school). But also, I am also enthusiastic about reading and learning about natural means to initiate change towards healing. Just in my regular chiropractic practice, through natural but specific nutritional protocol, I have assisted organ systems so that a patient's body has stabilized from kidney disease, from high blood sugar levels, from high blood pressure, from uterine fibroids, ovarian cystic conditions and more. So I LOVE to understand the chemistry of what the body needs to work correctly. I have applied my knowledge to my own healing.
Just a bit more about my own condition: I experience what I got as a direct offshoot and coinfection associated with the cat mite (feline demodex mange).


Absolutely Necessary Steps:

  • Stop using Advantage and similar products on your pets. I think it may be creating a resistant strain of feline and possible canine demodex mite. Humans also have the demodex (or follicle) mite. The immune system usually keeps it in check. Something like 80-90% of people carry natural numbers of the mite with no problem.
  • Get a product called Face Doctor soap from Tao of Herbs 888-828-8288 which is intended to kill the human follicle mite (that is responsible for Rosecea in succeptible people). It kills the cate mite too. Use it for 30 seconds 2X day, even in your hair. It is a natural product made with seabucktorn oil and astragalus.
  • If you have scalp symptoms, get Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Cream. Do not get the peppermint kind. Use it liberally on your scalp before going to bed. I also used on by lower limbs and feet. It seems to have the action of suffocating, softening the bodies of, and killing mites and bacteria.
  • For the exudate strands, take a hand and foot bath for 20-30 minutes every day with certain ingredients. This is the only way that I knew I had strands because this bath drove out about 50-100 artifacts the first time, with only a few driven out on subsequent times. Now, after about 7 days, I am getting only a couple of strands and a couple of teeny worms each time visibly in my basin. Get a bucket for your hands and a dishpan for your feet and put about 2 1/2 gallons of warm water in one for mixing (then separate into your two baths). Do not make it too hot because you want to keep the vinegar cultures alive. Add in 2 cups Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar "with the mother" (shake bottle prior to pouring). Now, I rotate between these different additional herbals which are antiviral and pro-circulatory in nature. I use at least two herbs at once, or sometimes I put in a portion of all herbs mentioned to get varying effects. The herbs also help neutralize the cumalative effect of the acid in the vinegar, being alkaloids/basic in nature. Use Standard ProcessMedi Herb (they are the strongest and most energetically potent tinctures I have found in my experinece). You must buy through a practioner. Go to StandardProcess. com and search for a practitioner in your area. Hopefully they will sell direct without making you come for an appointment. If you have trouble, you can call my cell phone and I'll sell you some, but please do so only if you have trouble elsewhere, as I'm not really set up for a lot of calls for this 831-246-2514. The products are: tinctures of Prickly Ash, Dandelion Root, Gymnema, and St. John's Wort. I use about, gosh, probably 3 tablespoons of each. Then soak. I put on the Burt's Bees Foot Cream after, and go to bed. Do not save this water for re-use. My impression is that the concoction drives things out, but may not actually kill them. I had the weird coincidence of having a plugged-up sink exactly when I started this method. Some tiny larvae were floating in my sink basin. I thought the quickest way to kill them until I could get to the task of unplugging my sink would be to pur a bunch of rubbing alcohol in the basin. I watched as the larvae all swam to the side and crawled up the edge. It sure made me think.
  • Chelate for heavy metal toxiciy. Whether you know you have it or not, I know that personally, it has helped me with one whole classification of itching. Take a heavy metal test if you want to be sure, although I find some false negatives in my practice depending on whether it is hair, urine or blood sampled. Use Standard Process Min Tran (1 per hour, or minimum of 6/day spread out), with 4 cracked chlorella tabs (any brand) every hour or minimum of 6X/day. You must use "cracked chlorella" for chelating, not other blue green algaes. Take with water, alone OR with food. Oh, P.S., if you know you have mercury toxicity, do not take probiotics until you are cleared as they will make you worse. Probiotics convert mercury into methyl mercury which is far more toxic.
  • Get a food allergy blood test. Make absolutely sure your lab reports IGg and IGe values separately. If they combine them, you will get false negatives. One is short term allergic response and one is long term (meaning you gt your reaction up to two weeks after you consume the food). You want to know each response individually. Personally, my first bout with what I considered to be a resistant mite, I found I had many things all combining into an immune itching problem, including food allergy, and heavy metal toxicity.
  • Eliminate sugars and grains. Yes, I mean it. Although I still struggle with it, I think this is one of the best things you can do to: stabilize your hormones, and decrease your inflammation responses. Also those available sugars in your body fluids harbor candida and who knows what else. One of my categories of itching in my first round, I eventually found to be a whole body histamine response from low progesterone. I used the teeniest amount of over the counter bioidentical progesterone cream that I could to manage this type if itching, and it was a godsend. But once I stopped the sugar and grains, I found I no longer needed the cream. And like clockwork, when I go off my diet, that type of itching returns and I also look like hell when I wake up in the mornings. If you have trouble getting off sugar, or are a sugar addict, here is the cure: take 3 tabs minimum of Standard Process Lactic Acid Yeast, and 3 pills minimum Garden of Life Primal Defense probiotic (unless you have mercury toxicity). Each time you cheat, take an extra tab of LA Yeast with your sweet treat. If you are very ill, start out with only 1/2 or 1/4 pill Primal defense per day so as to avoid a healing crisis. This will not stop the sugar cravings at this small amount, but work up to it. If you get no stoppage of sugar craving with 3 each per day (rare) then take more. No harm in taking up to 12/day, athough I've never seen anyone need that much.

I must stop for the day. My next entry with be about other useful treatments you should know about, including flower essence energetics (which helps with not only health, but good strong positive health vibration), as well as anti-viral herbal therapy you can use a a basic health protocol. Sufferers, I love you. Do not let this get you down. The two years I initially struggled with this ailment were the darkest years of my life. My livelihood and social world were at the brink of disater. I thought frequently about how I woul kill my little cats and myself in a way that would cause the least disturbance to my friends and family. This round, I have learned a lot I can apply, and I am just not going to let this harm my spirit. I still do not feel cured again, and life as I know it is still at risk. But I will find a way in the tributaries of possibility that are good and true and filled with wellbeing. My wish for you is the same. Learn how to hold a negative feeling (like despair, abandonement...) along with, and at the same time as a positive emotion (such as hope, love, compassion for self). I have practiced this technique for some years, and it is a wonderful method of fully feeling your darkness in a way where you can express and honor it without your darkness lodging into your physical or energetic being. Get well soon!
